Actually... This picture is pretty much the way I am feeling today!! The process of formulating an idea for this Grant Proposal for Franconia Sculpture Park has taken me on an intensive journey of research. I would have to say hands down that no other single work of art I have been involved with bringing to life has ever taken me as far into the world of possibilities available to me in terms of how I can shape my work using electricity.
As for creating a viable work for public space I have had to asses the work against public safety and financial reality. My first and most raw electrical vision was with the Tesla Coils in the "Glass"(polycarbonate) house.
In reality, the parts and means of constructing the Coils were not as far out of reach, as Museum quality Coils that are tried, tested and backed by warranties & liability insurance. The difference is: Home Brew Coils... about $2K. Museum Quality (respectfully developed over many years of research & development)... More like $25K each.
In the process of researching, I consulted hobbyists and professionals alike. I was even fortunate enough to have someone interested enough in my creative work to have had them send me a box full of parts to help me get started. For this I am very grateful. Also many suggestions were made as to how I could revise the electrical work inside of the house. One popular suggestions involved Plasma Globes... Which esthetically I found a version I am pretty happy with... Which means... more research.
At present I am consulting with a local glass studio about the possibility of collaborating on the globes. There are a couple of pro shops I need to consult with about the rest.
Will this be the final revision... maybe and maybe not. It just depends on the financial reality. With just a little over 3 weeks left to put it all together, I do have a third option in mind... Yes, the research goes on. And when it is all said and done... Man do I have a lot of cool new work in mind to begin what could prove to be the most experimental phase of my creative life.
Now there is still a chance that at least for one special event, if even for one day, that a local Pro shop could bring in 2 coils for a demonstration... There is at least one I have found here in the Midwest that does just that for schools and special events. Again, I am negotiating rates. I would like to say I was at the point of ironing things out, but it feels a lot more like a dusty burlap sack full of scraps of paper and cobwebs being shaken up and dragged around...
At any rate, giving up has never presented itself to me as an option... So I will keep doing what I do and carry on against all odds... That said I would like to extend a Very Special Thank You to all of the folks who have helped me along the way.
One very humbling lesson I am learning is how much better my work can be with the help and support of other people.